Tecnobox has been present at the IV International Congress of Red Fruits held in Huelva on June 20 and 21, 2018
The Red Fruit Congress is already the most important meeting held jointly by the berry sector of the European Union. This 4th Congress of Red Fruits is organized by Freshuelva, as an association that brings together the largest percentage of producers and exporters of red fruits. The 4th edition is already celebrated since the beginning of this important event that brings together every year representatives of the red fruit sector, the companies that make up the production and marketing of these crops, as well as the companies that provide services or distribute products of application and direct use in this activity.
Tecnobox was at this event with the aim of sharing the latest developments in the sector and holding professional meetings with partners, collaborators and customers. In the same way Tecnobox had a presence in the most interesting presentations and presentations following our business and brand objective based on continuous training, innovation, research and specialization.