Covid-19 prevention measures

Circular on measures adopted by Tecnobox regarding the reception of personnel outside the company.

Given the situation of crisis and health uncertainty in which we currently find ourselves due to the outbreak of COVID-19 that Spain is suffering in recent dates, from the management of Tecnobox Electromecánica S.L. we have the obligation to guarantee the health of our employees, suppliers and customers.

For this reason, and in order to minimize the risk of contagion of all the people who make possible the operation of our company, we have taken the decision to immediately cancel any commercial visit to our facilities during the 14 days following the receipt of this circular.

A videoconferencing system has been enabled, which will allow us during the next dates to continue maintaining constant contact, so please plan again all the planned visits to Tecnobox and redirect to use these digital media.

We look forward to your compression,


Kind regards


The management of Tecnobox Electromecánica S.L.